Wednesday, 3 September 2008

The Story So Far

So, if you read (doubtful) my last post, you'll see that I was right about the infrequent (understatement) postings I make - I guess I know myself better than I thought.

Next week I go back to London to hopefully continue into my 2nd year of university. As such, I feel this calls for a reflection on my (barely there) summer:

It started brilliantly with a trip to Amsterdam with three uni friends. We stayed in a place called Bob's Hostel which was great, although not everyone's cup of tea I imagine. Whilst there we visited the Van Gogh museum, which, being fairly arty, I loved. This was followed by a slightly less arty, although still cultured, visit to the Sex Museum. Both fascinating and perverted. Other highlights included renting bikes (a MUST if you go), and chilling out all over the place. A favourite haunt was The Doors pub/cafe/hangout, situated next to our hostel. Check it.

From Amsterdam we went straight to Paris via a four hour train (Thayls) journey. We stayed with two Parisian friends, alternating between a gorgeous apartment in Saint Germain des Pres, and an amazing house (castle) in the south western outskirts. I've been to Paris previously so skipped out the obvious Tour de Eiffel, and Arc de Triomphe, heading instead for such wonders as le Musee du Louvre, Notre Dame, and Montmatre, as well as hanging out at a house party in Le Republique (where I managed to meet someone who knew an old friend from home, small world huh?), and night time frolics on Le Pont des Arts (a gorgeous pedestrian bridge very near to the Louvre). I shall be back soon dear Paris.

From here on my summer deteriorated. I first worked at Henley Regatta, which was tiring - long days of waitressing and drunk people, but the people I worked with were amazing, and we had great nights after the long days. After this I managed a weeks break before heading to Farnborough (Hampshire), to work at the Airshow. This was even more tiring and stressful than Henley, with less fun times, with more important clients (including a Sheikh from Bahrain). Nevertheless, it was work, and I'm very glad I did it.

The rest of my summer (until now) was taken up my revising for some resits (more on that later), which I have now thankfully finished. I celebrated by trawling Oxford Street for the day - posts of buys another day. And now I'm here. Threeish months gone so quickly. Ack, rather too cliche and emotional I think.

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